Websites .
For Contractors .

For Blue Collar Workers, By Blue Collar Workers

Paid Advertizing

When it's time for a new roof, we offer comprehensive replacement services.

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Website Design

When it's time for a new roof, we offer comprehensive replacement services.

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When it's time for a new roof, we offer comprehensive replacement services.

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Paid Advertizing

When it's time for a new roof, we offer comprehensive replacement services.

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When it's time for a new roof, we offer comprehensive replacement services.

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Website Design

When it's time for a new roof, we offer comprehensive replacement services.

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Websites With Value

Our Websites Solve Problems

People are not buying from my website

When potential customers visit your website but don’t end up making a purchase, it can be frustrating and costly. Our web development service tackles this issue by enhancing your site’s usability and appeal.

  • Boost website layout and functionality for easier navigation and purchasing.
  • Create an engaging user interface that encourages longer visits and purchases.
  • Speed up load times and streamline content for a smoother browsing experience.

I Want to Get New And Higher Quality Clients

Attracting high-quality clients is crucial for growing your business and increasing profitability. Our tailored digital solutions help you reach the clients that matter
  • Showcase Your Expertise: Present a professional image that attracts discerning clients.
  • Targeted Marketing: Reach high-value clients through precise, effective marketing campaigns.
  • Build Credibility: Enhance your online presence to build trust and appeal to quality clients.

I'm Expanding Into New Types of Work And Don't Reflect That Online

If you’ve shifted your focus or added new services, your website needs to reflect that. We help you highlight your new capabilities and attract clients interested in your expanded services.

  • Highlight New Services: Clearly showcase your new offerings to attract relevant clients.
  • Modernize Your Image: Update your website to reflect your evolving business and capabilities.
  • Effective Communication: Ensure potential clients understand the full range of services you provide.

I Want to Grow My Business But I'm Struggling

To scale your business, you need a strong online presence that brings in more clients and increases revenue. Our comprehensive digital strategies support your growth ambitions.

  • Increase Visibility: Improve your search engine rankings to reach a wider audience.
  • Drive Engagement: Create engaging content that attracts and retains clients.
  • Boost Conversions: Optimize your site to turn visitors into paying customers, driving business growth.

Developers Who Care

Our team of dedicated developers is passionate about creating websites that not only look great but also deliver real results. We take the time to understand your business and its unique needs, ensuring that every aspect of your digital presence is tailored to help you succeed. From intuitive design to seamless functionality, we are committed to providing solutions that make a difference.

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Website Review

How We Started

We started Workbench Media right out of a garage, inspired by our time at Western University. Having worked in drywall, taping, painting, and landscaping, we knew firsthand the challenges tradesmen faced. So, we decided to help construction and contracting businesses stand out online. Using our hands-on skills and trade knowledge, we focus on crafting top-notch websites and boosting SEO to help these companies grow and shine in the digital world. 

- CEO / Founder
Industries We Serve

Blue Collar Only Websites

General Contractors

Our services allow general contractors to highlight their comprehensive project management and construction skills.


We enable roofers to showcase the quality and reliability of their work, appealing to homeowners looking for dependable solutions.


We help renovation companies showcase their transformative projects online, attracting clients eager for new spaces.


We support plumbers by enhancing their online presence, emphasizing their efficiency and reliability in solving plumbing issues.


We assist pavers in displaying their expertise in creating durable and attractive driveways and patios.


We help electricians showcase their expertise in safe and efficient electrical work, attracting reliable clients.

HVAC Technicians

Our services highlight HVAC technicians' skills in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, appealing to comfort-seeking clients.


We support carpenters by emphasizing their custom woodwork skills, attracting clients who value quality craftsmanship.


We help landscapers enhance their online presence to showcase their beautiful and functional outdoor spaces, attracting more clients and growing their business.

All Trades

We work with a variety of other specialized trade businesses, helping them highlight their unique skills and services to attract a broader clientele.


Services and Offerings

We specialize in web development and SEO solutions tailored specifically for construction and contracting businesses, helping them establish and enhance their online presence.

We enhance websites by optimizing their design for user experience, improving SEO for better search engine visibility, and ensuring they are mobile-friendly and fast-loading.

Yes, we provide continuous support and maintenance services to ensure your website remains up-to-date and performs optimally at all times.


Getting Started

You can schedule a free, no-commitment consultation by contacting us via our website, phone, or email. We're here to discuss your needs and how we can assist.

It's helpful to have a clear idea of your business goals, any specific challenges you're facing, and examples of websites you like, but it's not required to get started.

We work tirelessly to exceed quality expectations and typically complete websites within just 2 weeks, depending on complexity.

Get Started With Us

Whether you need a new website, SEO services, or digital marketing strategies, Workbench Media is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing top-quality digital solutions tailored to your needs. Explore our services and find out how we can assist you with enhancing your online presence and growing your business.

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